This book of illustrations was produced to mark the visit of Queen Victoria to Jersey in 1846. Philip Ouless was a Jersey artist of some note, asked to make a pictorial record of the event. Edward Bartley brought his copy of the album to New Zealand with him in 1854. Here is a selection of images scanned from that album. Enjoy.
The Royal Squadron at Anchor off St Helier on the first day. Image BFA |
The Squadron enters the Harbour of St Aubin's Bay Image BFA |
Celebratory fireworks Illuminating St Helier that evening. Image BFA |
The Royal Couple land at St Helier the next morning. Image BFA |
The welcome for the procession passing through Royal Square. Image BFA |
Passing one of the decorative archways and St Mark's Church. Image BFA |
The Royal couple visiting the castle at Mt Orgueil |
The Queen and Prince returning to their ship Image BFA |